Don’t make not having a plan your plan

business aquisitions business value exit planning measure value valuation
garyaldridge leveragingyou valueyourbusiness don’t make not having a plan your plan

LeveragingYOU! builds a network of resources that focus on helping YOU reach your goals. In business networks, it is helpful to share information from other professionals that help businesses increase their value or realize their value.

Today, I am sharing an article from Scott Mashuda, founder of River’s Edge Alliance Group (REAG). The article highlights some of the trends in the merger and acquisition space. Whether you are interested in selling your company now or later, this information is relevant and meaningful to your plans.

Although all of the information is helpful, please note the final bullet point where 54% of businesses being sold do NOT have a formal plan. Why would a business owner not plan the transition for the largest asset of one’s life? Saving a few dollars now may cost you a significant amount of money later.

Not having a plan or the necessary resources to help you reach your goals is like a running back trying to run through the defense without any blockers. You might make it, but wouldn’t you be more successful with the right team around you?

You can make it happen or let it happen. If you let it happen, you will leave a lot of money on the table.

  • Start now. It takes time to move the needle.
  • Be proactive.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Get the resources needed to help make this transition a successful one.


Market Outlook Positive for 2022


by Scott Mashuda


M&A Source recently released its Market Pulse survey results for Q4 2021. The survey, completed by 416 business brokers and M&A advisors, indicates advisors are feeling mostly positive about deal flow from late 2021 and the activity we’ve already seen in 2022.  


Some notable highlights from the survey:  

  • Businesses with enterprise value of $5 million to $50 million earned an average multiple of 6.0x EBITDA.
  • Average time to sell a business shrunk slightly in Q4 2021, varying from six to 10 months.
  • Sellers continue to receive 80% or more of total consideration as cash at close.
  • 21% of lower middle market deals came from the Manufacturing industry.
  • In the lower middle market, 40% of buyers were existing companies.
  • In 2021, more than half (54%) of sellers were planning to retire. Yet even though retirement leads as the number one reason for sale, most buyers do not engage in a proactive planning process.

For more information in the merger and acquisition space, please contact Scott Mashuda @ cell (440) 915-3082 or by e-mail [email protected]. 

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